
The Pandemic Postcard Project

The Pandemic Postcard Project is a literacy-promoting art project that fosters community connection and legacy-keeping through storytelling and sharing.

We invited everyone (as individuals or as families, partners, roommates, work teams, etc.) to share their stories, thoughts, struggles, successes, lessons learned, blessings given or received, and resolutions made during this moment in history… on postcards.

Why? Well, we’re connected primarily through technology these days through our own profiles and pages. The goal of this project is to celebrate that, while also creating a lasting, physical record of our resilience.

We have shared some of the Pandemic Postcards on social media. Our next step is to curate the cards and make them public in a gallery display. Then, all local Pandemic Postcards will be donated to the Alberni Valley Museum for their archives, while others from farther afield will be sent to those community archives.

Thank you for helping us record our local histories and for being a part of the story that is told!