Identifying the Future Continuous Tense

When you show up tomorrow, I __________.

This sentence describes an interrupted action in the future.
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Use the future continuous to describe interrupted actions in the future.

At 10:30 tomorrow, the students __________ their music class.

The sentence tell us an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
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Use the future continuous to express actions in progress at a specific time in the future.

No matter who is winning the race, we ______________ each other on.

The sentence describes something that is happening now, and will continue in the future.
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Use the future continuous to refer to actions that are happening now and are expected to continue in the future.

__________ your friend to the wedding?

This is a polite question about future plans.
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Use the future continuous to ask a question politely about the future.

She __________ in the election next week.

This sentence focuses on future plans.
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Use the future continuous to emphasize future plans and intentions.

If the Canucks win the championship, everybody __________.

This sentence describes the atmosphere in the future.
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Use the future continuous to describe atmosphere in the future.

Later tonight, she _______________ dinner, and he _______________ television.

This sentence describes a set of parallel actions in the future.
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Use the future continuous to express parallel actions in the future.

__________ to work tomorrow, or __________ the bus?

This is a polite question about future plans.
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Use the future continuous to ask a question politely about the future.

She __________ in December.

This sentence focuses on future plans.
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Use the future continuous to emphasize future plans and intentions.

I __________ when you arrive home from work later.

This sentence describes an interrupted action in the future.
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Use the future continuous to describe interrupted actions in the future.

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