
One-to-One Tutoring

  This program is active.
  • Meet with a volunteer to work on your English skills
  • We will find the right tutor for you
  • You will meet with them at least once a week at Literacy Alberni
  • For all skill levels

Tutoring sessions are usually in person at the Literacy Alberni office, but virtual tutoring is available via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or over the phone.

Our English language tutoring is for learners of all levels, from beginner to advanced. When you join our program, you’ll work with a volunteer who will help you one-on-one. They will help you with grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and how to have conversations in English.

During your tutoring sessions, you’ll get personalized attention and learn things that interest you. We want learning English to be fun and useful for you.

Contact us if you want to join a class or get more information

The above program is free for Literacy Alberni members.
Membership is only $10 per person or $20 per household for the year. Join today!

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