
One-to-One Tutoring

  This program is active.

Free tutoring in Port Alberni

Free tutoring for adults who need help with any subject, including upgrading and technology.

Are you an adult or senior in need of individualized support in upgrading your skills or navigating the world of technology? Look no further than our adult one-to-one tutoring program at the Literacy Alberni Society. Our dedicated program offers free tutoring services to help you excel in any subject you need assistance with, whether it’s academic upgrading or mastering technology.

We understand that everyone’s learning journey is unique. That’s why we take the time to match each learner with a knowledgeable and experienced volunteer tutor who can provide personalized guidance and support. Whether you need help with language skills, computer literacy, or any other subject, our tutors are ready to assist you.

Our tutoring sessions typically take place on-site at the Literacy Alberni office, allowing for a comfortable and conducive learning environment. Each session lasts for approximately an hour, providing ample time for focused instruction and practice. During these sessions, you can ask questions, receive individualized explanations, and work on exercises or activities specifically tailored to your needs and goals. We also offer virtual tutoring options.

Our free one-to-one tutoring offers numerous advantages for adult learners. It allows for a flexible and personalized approach, ensuring that your specific challenges and learning styles are addressed. The dedicated attention of your tutor helps create a safe and supportive space where you can feel comfortable and confident in your learning journey.

Whether you want to upgrade your academic skills for personal growth or employment opportunities, or if you simply wish to become more proficient in using technology, our free adult one-to-one tutoring program is here to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about our free tutoring services and take the first step towards achieving your goals!

Contact us if you want to join a class or get more information

The above program is free for Literacy Alberni members.
Membership is only $5/year. Join today!

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